Title of the Film : Disappearance (Still to be decided)
Setting Location: I have thought about where i am going to set my thriller and have had a few ideas. I Need to use a narrow alleyway to film the mid point of my thriller as this is essential to my work as i am going to film my character running away through the alley using specific camera techniques.
Costumes and Props: Dark Clothing will be what i want my main character to wear this adds a harsh realistic feel to the film as i do not want the audience the be able to relate to the clothing i.e designer labels/makes this takes away the dramatic strange nature of the character
Camerawork And Editing: I intend on using a variety of camera angles and techniques to create a sense of drama and suspense. In the Film i plan on not revealing the characters face this will need careful camera work so i do not stray towards the characters face. I also intend on using the most basic of shots to show that i understand how and why the shots are used. As with my preliminary i plan on using fading and shot stitching techniques as well as experimenting with effects to truly captivate my intended audience.
Title Font Style: Not sure as of yet but for ideas i plan on using simple font to make sure i do not over stylize my thriller.
Story and How the Opening Sets up: The Story is Based around a lone character dressed in black the plan is that the audience will bot know wether or not the character is chasing someone or running away from something. The camera will start at floor level Facing down a narrow alley way its silent to begin with but the sound of running gets louder and the suspenseful low toned music starts to fade in as the character runs past and down towards the end of the alley.
The next section of the film will be a panning shot of our character running past the camera but remembering that the head must not be shown so just the torso is in view. Then to the crescendo of the film which is when the character is now facing the camera but quite a distance away still running and as he gets close the the camera they drop to the floor where i will use a point of view shot which will show the person who's point of view it is examining the character on the ground then the camera will return to a birds eye shot (As high as i can film from) of the Character being dragged away.
Genre and How the opening suggests it: The genre Is thriller and this can be identified from the start because of the suspenseful dull toned music and the panic feeling as the character runs past the camera in the opening scene.
How Characters Are introduced: The character is first seen running as i have explained there is no formal introduction because i plan for the audience to decide how they feel about them e.g. if they are the one doing the chasing or the one being chased or even could be running to get to a destination at speed. but as i have explained i would like the audience to make there assumptions as i do not want to hand it to them on a plate, because it can be more rewarding as a viewer to have you own ideas of what's going on.
Special Effects: I plan on using Effects to fade in-between shots because it builds drama i also want to find a way of distorting the characters face as he runs towards the camera in the final scene as the shot i will be making means from a distance the characters face will be visible and i do not want this because it will take away the element of suspense and not knowing.